Proposals (Times 12, 3500 signs, including spaces, in French or in English) must be either uploaded on the conference site at or sent to under the following subject “colloque pratiques plastiques contemporaines et contre-culture 2013” before May 31, 2013. They shall feature a title, the author’s first and last name, status, affiliation, snail and electronic addresses and telephone number, highlight the methodology adopted, and include a thesis statement, 5 key words and a maximum of five bibliographical references.

Proposals (Times 12, 3500 signs, including spaces, in French or in English) must be either uploaded on the conference site at or sent to under the following subject “colloque pratiques plastiques contemporaines et contre-culture 2013” before May 31, 2013. They shall feature a title, the author’s first and last name, status, affiliation, snail and electronic addresses and telephone number, highlight the methodology adopted, and include a thesis statement, 5 key words and a maximum of five bibliographical references.

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